

    WhatsApp in 2023 Will Fully Stop Working On These Phones: Do You Know Why?

    WhatsApp continuously updates its features and along with that it tries to get rid of outdated ones, same is the case with WhatsApp in...

    New!!! Google Docs Canvas Feature to Display Code with Code Blocks

    Good news for coders around. The Google Docs canvas feature gives users the ability to visualize code with industry standards, and helps make code...

    “Connecting your account with Meta Business Suite” – How To Use Meta Business Suite

    Meta Business Suite provides a range of tools that effectively increase your internet presence simpler and more affordable. By maintaining your internet presence in one...

    How to Choose a CRM System in 2023

    In your marketing technology stack, a customer relationship management (CRM) platform is a crucial component. It enables you to increase lead generation, increase sales...

    Good CRM System helps to Attract and Retain Customers

    At the beginning of 2020, many economists were certain that the corona epidemic would bring about a global recession. And while economies and cultures...

    Salesforce Failed! Marc Benioff Complains ‘much lower productivity’

    On Friday, Marc Benioff, CEO of Salesforce, warned staff members that individuals employed during the epidemic have not been as productive as earlier generations...

    Salesforce Failed! Marc Benioff Complains ‘much lower productivity’

    On Friday, Marc Benioff, CEO of Salesforce, warned staff members that individuals employed during the epidemic have not been as productive as earlier generations...

    Good CRM System helps to Attract and Retain Customers

    At the beginning of 2020, many economists were certain that the corona epidemic would bring about a global recession. And while economies and cultures...