Telegram’s Latest Update in 2023 from the encrypted messaging platform includes an overhauled media editor outfitted with a bunch of new tools to decorate or conceal, parts of a user’s image and videos.
Telegram’s Latest Update in 2023 Includes Revamped Media Editor
According to The Verge, an American technology news website, as per a blog update, the platform is introducing a new blur tool that lets users block out certain areas of a photo or video.
This allows them to hide sensitive information, or blur the faces of passers-by who appear in the background. To make the blurred portion of your photo blend in, Telegram says you can use the eyedropper tool to match the colour of the blur brush to your image.
Further, when adding text to images or videos, Telegram for business is providing the ability to adjust the text’s size, font, and backdrop.
Telegram also added a way to quickly add shapes, such as rectangles, circles, arrows, stars, and chat bubbles by tapping the “plus” icon in the editor, reported The Verge.

Users can even apply a spoiler effect that adds a “shimmering layer” to an image or video that hides its contents until your recipient taps it.
Outside of image editing tools, Telegram’s latest update in 2023 includes new storage options that let you automatically remove cached data in private chats, groups, and channels after a certain period of time, all while excluding the chats of your choosing.
As per The Verge, there are several other minor features like settings that allow you to choose profile pictures for contacts that only you’ll see, newly animated and interactive emoji, a new progress animation on Android, and the ability for group admins to hide their member lists.
Telegram for business also added a way to quickly add shapes, such as rectangles, circles, arrows, stars, and chat bubbles by tapping the “plus” icon in the editor.
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