BSN Number Netherlands
The citizen service number (BSN) is a unique number for everyone who has dealings with the Dutch government, for example, for healthcare and tax purposes, in dealings with your municipality, the hospital, schools, your employer or benefit agencies. With the citizen service number, the Dutch government wants to improve the services it provides to its citizens, combat fraud and improve protection of their privacy.
When you can register for Citizen Service Number?
You have to register with a Dutch municipality when you move to the Netherlands, whether or not you’ve lived here before. Personal data will be registered or updated in the Personal Records Database (BRP) within 5 days of your arrival in the Netherlands. When you register you will be given a citizen service number (BSN) if you did not already have one.
If you will be staying in the Netherlands to work or study for less than 4 months, you can register at any of the 19 RNI municipalities.

How can you get Citizen Service Number?
There are various ways you can get your BSN. They are:
BSN via Municipality
If you are coming to the Netherlands for less than four months to study or work, you can register in the BRP. Your personal data will be registered Non-residents Records Database (RNI) and you will receive a BSN.
If you come to the Netherlands for more than 4 months, you must register with the municipality where you will be living. Your personal data will be registered in the Personal Records Database and you will receive a BSN.
BSN via the Social Insurance Bank to receive Dutch state pension
If you live outside the Netherlands and are applying for a Dutch state pension (AOW) but do not have a BSN, the SVB will take care of your registration in the BRP so you can receive one. You do not need to be present in the Netherlands for this.
BSN for your benefit partner via the Tax and Customs Administration
If you would like to apply for or make changes to your benefits but your benefit partner does not have a BSN, you can apply for a BSN for your benefit partner via the Tax and Customs Administration.
BSN for inheritance tax via the Tax and Customs Administration
If you need a BSN in connection with inheritance tax, you can apply for one via the Tax and Customs Administration.
Where can I find my citizen service number?
Your citizen service number (BSN) can usually be found on your Dutch passport, identity card or driving licence. You can also look it up online on Dutch payslips, annual salary statements, health insurance cards and health insurance policies have your BSN on them too.
Need Help?
You can also contact the BSN-point via telephone number 1400 or you can read on The BSN-point is part of the Public Information Service (only available in Dutch).
To know about how can you complete tax process after getting BSN, Read, How to do Taxes in The Netherlands: A Guide on How to Avoid Tax Fines & Manage Your Finances in 2021 & Beyond