They say braving is defined by actions, not by words.
A brave old Ukrainian woman confronted heavily armed Russian soldiers.
Ukraine War: Ukraine Russia Crisis 2022

SOLDIER: We have exercises here. Please go this way.
OLD UKRAINIAN WOMAN: What kind of exercises? Is your Russian?
OLD UKRAINIAN WOMAN: So what the f* are you doing here? SOLDIER: Right now, our discussions will lead to nothing.
OlD UKRAINIAN WOMAN: You’re occupants, you’re fascists! What the f* are you doing with all these guns on our land? Take these seeds and put them in your pockets, so at least sunflowers will grow when you all lie down here.
SOLDIER: Right now, our discussions will lead nowhere. Let’s not escalate this situation. Please.
OLD UKRAINIAN WOMAN: What situation? Guys, guys. Put the sunflower seeds in your pockets, please. You will lie down here with the sources. You came to my land. Do you understand? You are occupiers. You are enemies.
OLD UKRAINIAN WOMAN: You are cursed. I’m telling you, and from this moment, you are cursed. I’m telling you.
SOLDIER: Now listen to me.
OLD UKRAINIAN WOMAN: I’ve heard you.
SOLDIER: Let’s not escalate this situation. Please go this way.
OLD UKRAINIAN WOMAN: How can it be further escalated? You fing came here uninvited. Pieces of s***.
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