In the past few months, reports have been coming that Dutchies are getting Phishing calls for BSN number in the Netherlands. Let’s dig into the whole story.
Thousands of Dutch people have been receiving calls from Cybercriminals aka Spammers hunting for BSN numbers. Within the Netherlands several students and employees also report these kinds of calls.
They usually call and ask for the BSN number in such a way, “This call is to inform you that legal action is being undertaken on your BSN number. Send your BSN number to…” So, what they do is create a sense of urgency among their targets by using the words like “legal action”, “arrest” etc, so that they believe them and do as said. Unfortunately many have been cheated out of their money.

Phishing Calls Netherlands, What do they do with your BSN Number?
The scammers have all the tactics to get their hands on your money. Same is the case here. In this case they are using your BSN to get all your details pretending to be ‘National Police‘ or the ‘Dutch Supreme Court’. If you cooperate with the criminals, they may ask you to transfer money to buy off a fraud investigation.
It is also common that the criminals will ask you to install a program on your computer so that they can help you with “remote assistance”.
They’re actually using this to spy on your computer, loot your bank account, and steal passwords and credit card information. And if they will be able to access this kind of sensitive private data it’s often used for identity fraud. So, Be Aware Dutchies!!!
Are you receiving Spam Calls?
What should you do if you get such a suspicious phone call?
If you get such a scam phone call, it’s best to just hang up!! If the person says he or she is really from the bank or police, then ask for a name and call back to the organization yourself and ask to be connected with that person again.
But in general, this important rule applies: a bank, the police or any other government organization will never ask you for payment information or ask you to install software on your computer or phone.
Report strange phone calls
Have you also received a strange phone call? You can help banks to block fake message senders and their fake websites by reporting phishing mail or SMS by sending it as soon as possible to the bank being impersonated.
Stay Alert Netherlands!!!
To know more about The citizen service number (BSN), Checkout our Blog Post on BSN Number Netherlands aka Citizen Service Number: How, where and when can you get a Citizen Service Number With Simple Steps?