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Christmas in Netherlands


Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells..!!
Christmas, one of many festivals that are celebrated worldwide on the same Date and Time, is originally a festival celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ. Once, it was celebrated only by the Christians but from the early ’20s, it is widely accepted by Christians and Non-Christians in the whole World. Christmas is celebrated on the 25th of December every year and became a secular family holiday.

Christmas traditions and celebrating styles are the same and different both in other countries. Let’s take a tour towards Christmas in the Netherlands:-

Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas
Kerstpakket was given to an Employee from his Boss as a Christmas Gift

Kerstpakket in the Netherlands Companies –

The Netherlands companies are having the Annual Kerstpakket. Kerstpakket refers to the gratitude Christmas box that is distributed among the company’s employees from their bosses for their hard work throughout the year. The idea of Kerstpakket derives from the old ancient tradition in which – Food was gifted to the field farmers so that they can enjoy the Christmas food as a gift with their family. For most of the time till now, Kerstpakket is still a food gift basket that is wholeheartedly accepted by the Employees.

The Netherland celebrates 2 days of Christmas –

Yes, you heard it right. Christmas in the Netherlands is celebrated for 2 days are – the 25th of December, the original one, and the 26th of December. The Netherland people use to enjoy the Christmas holidays with their family while enjoying the time with partying, family time, visiting gaming zones, shopping, and all. Many people celebrate the 2nd day of Christmas just like the original day but it is marked as Saint Stephen’s day and is attended by praying in churches. Also, on the 26th of December, many businesses, banks, and post offices are closed to have a space for family enjoyments.

The Netherlands two Christmas terms – Kerstbomen and Kerstman –

The term Kerstbomen is described as the Dutch Christmas trees that are decorated with lights and ornaments all over in the Netherlands by their people in their living rooms and also, in public spaces to celebrate the Christmas after Sinterklass evening.

Whereas, Kerstman is the Dutch people’s father or we can say that, their Santa Claus. Kerstman is described as the poor relative of the Sinterklass who is less popular than Sinterklass.

The Netherland’s Sinterklass –

Sinterklass is the Children’s festival that has been celebrated for 300+ years on the 5th of December. It is not a Christmas celebration but is celebrated due to its arrival at the beginning of the winter. It is said that on this day, Saint Nicholas comes by steamboat from Spain to visit every child’s home to treat them with gifts and treats by passing them from the chimneys.

The Netherland’s famous foods and songs for their Christmas –

The Netherlands Christmas treats are the perfect gift for the sweet lovers that includes –
Speculaas – Spiced biscuits, Kruidnoten – Ginger nuts, Bischopswijn – Dutch mulled Wine and Kerststol – A fruited Dutch Christmas loaf.

The Netherlands atmosphere gets filled with so many special Dutch songs for Christmas that are played all over the country in Shopping malls, Radios, Public places, and Christmas markets. Some of those traditional Christmas songs are –
Hoor De Wind Waait de Bomen – The Wind keeps Blowing, Hoor Wie Stapt Daar Kinderen – Someone is coming, Children, and Sinterklass.

The Christmas of the Netherlands is no doubt an amazing one with a bulk of amazing traditions, enjoyments, surprises, and treats. I hope you felt the Christmas vibes throughout an Article while reading it. Have a great weekend.

Merry Christmas Folks.



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