    HomeExpatLearn Dutch Online: Online Inburgering Course for Dutch Society Exam

    Learn Dutch Online: Online Inburgering Course for Dutch Society Exam

    Ever wished to have all the knowledge about Dutch Society? Ever wished to crack Netherlands’ integration (inburgering) exams in one go? So, there is a good news for the learners. The Education system in the Netherlands has introduced new Online Inburgering Course for Dutch Society Exam (inburgering) exams to simplify the preparation.

    What is Inburgering?

    If you’re from a country outside the EU and you want to move to the Netherlands, you need a Dutch residence permit. To get this, you are expected to take a civic integration exam, het Inburgeringsexamen. That also goes for those who apply for Dutch citizenship (getting a Dutch passport).

    The purpose of this exam is to learn the Dutch language as well as other aspects of Dutch culture and society. The exams are organized by the Dienst Uitvoering Onderwijs or DUO. 

    We got to know what Inburgering is and how important it is for Dutch Citizenship and Dutch people. Let’s get some good news about it.

    Good News!!! Online Inburgering Course For Dutch Society Exam

    New Good News!!! Online Inburgering Course For Dutch Society Exam Nawijn, who launched his online exam preparation course Inburgering Online in 2021 to help students pass the four language papers, has started the new year by adding a new course to the programme to prepare them for the KNM exam. The KNM course − Kennis van de Nederlandse Maatschappij, in Dutch – is essentially a survival guide to living in the Netherlands, covering topics such as work and income, housing, and Dutch history and geography. Nawij says,

    “It’s actually great, the exam”

    Dutch teacher Bart Nawijn says,

    “They are very free and very organised”

    – that’s the overwhelming impression candidates get of the Dutch when they have completed the Knowledge of Dutch Society (KNM) component of the Netherlands’ integration (inburgering) exams.

    “Even for people for whom it is not mandatory, it’s good to learn about the country.”

    Learn Dutch Online
    Learn Dutch Online

    Perks of Online Inburgering Course for Dutch Society Exam

    Books Despite being very useful, the problem is that much of the content is ‘borderline boring’. Furthermore, the books that candidates currently have to learn from are in Dutch and feature language beyond the A2 level most candidates are required to reach for their inburgering. (For newcomers becoming inburgeringsplichtig (legally required to integrate) after January 2022 the level will be B1. For all people who were already inburgeringsplichtig before January 2022 and people applying for permanent residence or citizenship in 2022, the level remains A2.)

    ‘If it’s difficult to learn, then it’s a missed opportunity,’ says Nawijn. By contrast, his online course uses English to translate difficult words such as zorgverzekering (health insurance) and opzegtermijn (notice period), and to share information about the exam format and study tips. “I’ve tried to make a bridge between the required level of language needed to pass the exam and what students need to learn about Dutch society,” explains Nawijn.


    And as for those tedious but important topics − tax rebates on mortgage payments, anyone? – Good News!!! Online Inburgering Course For Dutch Society Exam aims to make them ‘as accessible and comfortable to learn as possible’, says Nawijn.

    His upbeat presence on the videos guiding you through each of the eight chapters is intended, he says, ‘to make it a bit more cheerful, to make sure people stay engaged’ and to ‘take as much as possible of the burden of studying for this exam away’.

    As well as 240 practice questions, two practice exams and a study schedule, the course includes practical information about the exam and strategies for success. One memorable tip for the amusing ‘Dutch norms and values’ section, for example, is to avoid responding to questions based on your own culture or opinion, but to consider instead what a Dutch person would do.

    Are the neighbours making a racket? Confront them about it directly. Visiting friends? Do not expect a meal unless it’s in the diary.

    Better Efficiency

    A knowledge migrant from Australia who passed the KNM exam in January, and also studied for the language exams through Inburgering Online, told that he found the exam technique advice especially helpful. ‘He [the teacher] takes the student through a meticulous methodology of analysing the keywords in the questions and multi-choice answers, and then shows us how to exploit this to our advantage to find the correct answer,’ he said.

    Inburgering Online, he said, was ‘seamless to navigate’, and he liked that e-learning let him to set his own pace. ‘I sometimes find in-person classes a little frustrating because I cannot blitz rapidly through certain parts and slow down or repeat other parts,’ he said. ‘With the online mechanics, I can easily do this and maximise my learning efficiency.’

    Very helpful

    Having passed the KNM exam in less than half of the 50 minutes allocated, some people are a big advocate of the new course. Describing Inburgering Online as ‘very thorough’ and ‘user-friendly’. In particular, Leonid appreciated the personal touch that the videos added. ‘With the book you’re left alone and have to sort things out for yourself,’ he added.

    The online course is all praises and praises!!!

    People who used it have become fan.

    “I like that I can actually see someone. You get the feeling like he’s coaching me, coming on the journey with me.”

    “If people want to pass, this is the tool to use.”

    Costs: The KNM course with Inburgering Online starts at €12.95 a month or comes free when you subscribe to all four language courses. Sign up before the end of February 2022 for a 50% discount. To find out more about the subscriptions offered by Inburgering Online, visit their website.

    Read about How to Register in Municipality in the Netherlands.

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